Achieve your goals, cleanse feelings of guilt, overcome your fears, and balance Root chakra with this 20-minute 396 Hz healing meditation sound journey.

This music includes a 396 Hz Solfeggio pure tone within the music, and a bell rings in 4 minute increments.

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Root Chakra - 396 Hz

Energy - Stability - Comfort - Safety

The 396 Hz Solfeggio frequency is one of the fundamental frequencies used in sound healing. This frequency cleans the feeling of guilt which often represents one of the basic obstacles to realization.  396 Hz frequency music is helpful in creating a strong magnetic field of energy which helps and gives power to achieve our goals. Its vibrations release you from the feeling of guilt and fear. This solfeggio frequency is also used for awakening and turning grief into joy. 

396 Hz frequency is associated with unblocking Root Chakra (muladhara), our primary energy center, the energy point at the base of your spine that keeps you stable and grounded.  This energy center is often blocked by fear, stress, worries, anxiety; and its effects start reflecting in every part of our lives.  We start becoming negative.  The body starts producing more cortisol and it starts affecting our sleep and our health. 

The 396 Hz frequency helps with letting go of stress.  It provides some relief from the negative energy and emotions that you may carry around often, like fear, doubt, and guilt.  People who use Solfeggio frequencies say that the 396 Hz tone turns grief into joy.

YouTube Music Playlists

Ethereal Music for Sleep, Meditation, or Relaxation

One-hour ethereal ambient soundscapes to help you meditate, work, study, or simply relax to.

Each of these compositions is tuned to Solfeggio, Chakra, Angel Number, or Planetary healing frequencies to raise your energy vibration, enchant the mind, enrich the body, and uplift your spirit!

This music is great to support you during your  hour-long energy healing session such as meditation, chakra balancing, Reiki, yoga, Qigong, or other energy healing practice.

20-Minute Chakra Meditation Music

20-minute meditation sound journeys to help you meditate, work, study, or simply relax to.

Each composition is tuned to one of the seven chakra healing frequencies to support you the listener, on your voyage to expand your consciousness, raise your energy vibration, and get into a state of bliss.

This music can be used to support you during a 20-minute energy healing session such as meditation, chakra balancing, Reiki, yoga, Qigong, or other energy healing practice.

The Mystic Vibe Store - Meditation, Chakra, Yoga Related Gifts