Shravaka - The Divine Hearers

Why the headphones in some of my sound journey videos?  Great question... they represent the spirit of Shravaka.

In some Buddhist traditions, Shravaka (Śrāvaka in Sanskrit or Sāvaka in Pali) literally means Hearer or Listener.   The goal of the Hearers is to become an Arhat, a state in which one has totally eliminated the inner problems of attachment, hatred, and ignorance - the main causes for rebirth in this cycle of existence.  They practice based on having listened to (heard) Buddha's teachings and strive to achieve permanent happiness or Nirvana. 

They focus on the Four Noble Truths, and on understanding that there is no independent self.  In this process, they listen to the teachings of Buddha, and achieve this goal by going through what is called four results of spiritual practice:

1. By understanding that there is no personal self, they achieve the stage of Stream enterer at the path of seeing (Shravaka Arya).

2. This is followed by the stage of Once-Returner, who will be reborn only one more time in the desire realm of Samsara.

3. This is followed by the stage on Non-Returner, who will never be reborn in desire realm of Samsara again.

4. And finally they reach Nirvana, so they are called Shravaka Arhats

I enjoy learning of such spiritual teachings.  Since I create ethereal sound journeys focused on meditation and some Buddhist traditions, I chose to symbolize the spirit of Shravaka by including 🎧 headphones on many of my video subjects.

- Ambient Mystic

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YouTube Music Playlists

Ethereal Music for Sleep, Meditation, or Relaxation

One-hour ethereal ambient soundscapes to help you meditate, work, study, or simply relax to.

Each of these compositions is tuned to Solfeggio, Chakra, Angel Number, or Planetary healing frequencies to raise your energy vibration, enchant the mind, enrich the body, and uplift your spirit!

This music is great to support you during your  hour-long energy healing session such as meditation, chakra balancing, Reiki, yoga, Qigong, or other energy healing practice.

20-Minute Chakra Meditation Music

20-minute meditation sound journeys to help you meditate, work, study, or simply relax to.

Each composition is tuned to one of the seven chakra healing frequencies to support you the listener, on your voyage to expand your consciousness, raise your energy vibration, and get into a state of bliss.

This music can be used to support you during a 20-minute energy healing session such as meditation, chakra balancing, Reiki, yoga, Qigong, or other energy healing practice.

The Mystic Vibe Store - Meditation, Chakra, Yoga Related Gifts