What are Solfeggio healing frequencies, how are they in the music, and why are they important?

I got a great question from one of my YouTube subscribers, who asked, "What are healing frequencies, how do they benefit you, and how are they in the music?"

So here's my brief response... as brief as it can be at least. 

You may notice that my music is composed around specific Solfeggio and chakra healing frequencies.  I do this to enhance the already relaxing soundscapes, by incorporating tunings and frequencies that align with the harmonic intonation of nature, and resonate with the body, helping to create a sense of peace and well-being within you. 

Science has only recently recognized what the ancient mystics have known for centuries; everything, including your mind and body, is in a constant state of vibration.   According to existing research, every cell in your body absorbs and resonates with specific frequencies that are both audible and inaudible to the human earResonating frequencies have a direct effect on water, and our bodies are made of about 65% - 75% water.  Think of the effect that frequencies have on other matter, such as the opera singer who can shatter glass with just the right pitch of her voice.  Moreover, the natural frequency of a human-standing body is about 7.5 Hz.   Bees buzz at 528 Hz.  Earth's natural frequency is 7.83 Hz, and 432 Hz is a mathematically consistent tune with the universe. 

Chakras are considered conduits of energy that can deeply influence your personal vibration.  Each of the seven chakras governs different emotional states, as well as different parts of the body.  For the different emotional states and parts of the body, there are optimum ranges of frequency vibration, and those ranges are called resonance.  So, when we are in resonance, we are in balance.  Two primary elements of vibration are sound and color, and each chakra is aligned with a specific color and sound.  So, aligning ourselves with these colors and sounds - along with energy-healing practices such as meditation, yoga, Reiki, aroma therapy, etc. - is very effective at keeping our chakras in balance.

OK, I explained a little about the science and chakra connections... now for the music bits (yay!😊)

Music tuned to and utilizing one of the healing frequencies is a direct way to influence your personal resonance (vibration).  The beautiful thing about music is that it can be listened to while you do other activities or energy-healing practices as mentioned above.  It can even benefit you while you're sleeping.  Healing frequencies can be listened to either alone as pure tones, or embedded into music.  Sound healing practitioners use a variety of meditation bowls, bells, and tuning forks, which produce pure tones of a single, or a set of healing frequencies. 

My music is specifically tuned to one of the healing frequencies.  Tuning to a specific frequency involves me re-tuning each instrument, or sound,  from its standard pitch to a new pitch that matches the intended frequency.  For example, to compose music at 432 Hz, I retune each instrument from its standard pitch of 440 Hz (music note A4 on the piano) down by 8 Hz to 432 Hz.  A simple guitar tuning meter is used for this. 

Another example is when I compose music at 528 Hz (Solar Plexus chakra).  I can compose the music in the key of 'C', and tune the instruments so the music note C4 (normally 532 Hz) is pitched up by 5 Hz to 528 Hz.   Using this method, the entire piece of music resonates through the air with an emphasis of 528 Hz, and the root note ('C' in this case) can act as a constant droning sound. 

Additionally, I may record a pure tone of the healing frequency (such as a pure sign wave at 528 Hz for example), and embed it into the music.  I record the tone at a volume high enough that it resonates with your body, but low enough that you're more focused on the music and not the tone.  If you listen closely you can hear it, but more importantly, its vibration is resonating through your body and generating its positive healing effects.  

There you have it.  I hope this was helpful.  As a person who loves both science and spirituality, I'm still learning and growing, and I find this voyage to be very fascinating.  Well... enjoy the music, and live at your highest vibration! 

Change your frequency, change your life.

- Ambient Mystic

* Please note: I am not a doctor, a scientist, or a spiritual Guru.  I am just a musician and composer who has done a lot of research, learning and fact-checking on the content above.  Please consider this a starting point for your own research and discovery on these topics.  I am, however, an expert on the music bits 😉... I'm just saying!

YouTube Music Playlists

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Ethereal Music for Sleep, Meditation, or Relaxation

One-hour ethereal ambient soundscapes to help you meditate, work, study, or simply relax to.

Each of these compositions is tuned to Solfeggio, Chakra, Angel Number, or Planetary healing frequencies to raise your energy vibration, enchant the mind, enrich the body, and uplift your spirit!

This music is great to support you during your  hour-long energy healing session such as meditation, chakra balancing, Reiki, yoga, Qigong, or other energy healing practice.

20-Minute Chakra Meditation Music

20-minute meditation sound journeys to help you meditate, work, study, or simply relax to.

Each composition is tuned to one of the seven chakra healing frequencies to support you the listener, on your voyage to expand your consciousness, raise your energy vibration, and get into a state of bliss.

This music can be used to support you during a 20-minute energy healing session such as meditation, chakra balancing, Reiki, yoga, Qigong, or other energy healing practice.

The Mystic Vibe Store - Meditation, Chakra, Yoga Related Gifts